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Why B2B businesses struggle with online lead gen

Why B2B businesses struggle with online lead gen

The classic story from new prospects that contact us is that they have tried lots of approaches to digital marketing, and several suppliers, but have not yet achieved the results they want.

When somebody gets in touch in this situation, we help them analyse why, using an online strategy call and some self-assessment tools they can complete independently.

There is a recurring theme in the outcomes of these assessments: over-complication.

Marketing and online lead-generation is actually a straightforward process.

Know your market, have a sound value proposition, some credibility and authority you can show, and then it is simply a case of building quality marketing assets, web pages and campaigns that align with that.

Then the data flows and we no longer need to speculate whether our positioning and messaging is good. We can see exactly the profile of people that do and don’t respond, and we can watch videos of how they browse our websites.

But often, businesses haven’t yet established the basic elements of their strategy. They have tried an unfocused mix of tactics and channels, staff and suppliers, none of which have fully worked.

We actually need simplification: a solid plan, quality and expertise in its delivery. And often less work, fewer people and less budget.

Do you recognise this scenario? What would happen if you simplified your approach to online lead-generation?

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