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Man Who Sold BCA Credit Card Data Worked for Online Gambling Company

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – The Jakarta Metro Police’s Criminal Investigation Unit arrested a man who stole and sold the data of BCA credit card holders on Monday, August 14. The arrest was a follow-up on BCA’s report file on July 28.

BCA reported a post that MRGP uploaded to, which is a dark web site that trades personal data. According to a BCA report, there were nearly 20,000 customers’ data that MRGP tried to sell.

MRGP was arrested in West Tebet, South Jakarta. Based on the results of the investigation, it is stated that MRGP made the upload on July 23, 2023. His motive? Economy and grudge.

“The suspect holds a grudge after he was fired from his job as an operator at an online loan company. He had also worked for a Cambodian online gambling company,” said Jakarta Metro Police’s Director of Special Criminal Investigation, Sr. Comr. Ade Safri Simanjuntak. The suspect, he said, tried to settle scores by stealing customers’ personal information that was stored at the places he used to work.

MRGP is now in police custody. He is charged with violating the Electronic Information and Transaction Law. Ade said that the police will continue to carry investigate the case for possibilities that other perpetrators were involved.


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